Governing Bodies

Composition – Triennium 2018 a 2020

Youth Coop presents itself as a co-operative in the field of social solidarity aiming at developing the youth sector with initiatives and projects for the empowerment of young people and youth structures both locally and regionally, using community development approaches.
Board of the General Assembly

Chair: Élia Marília Peixoto de Oliveira Henriques

Management Board:

Sole Director: Jorge Miguel Correia Antunes Gomes

Supervisory Board:

Sole Auditor: Edite Cristina Pereira Fernandes

The governing bodies are elected by the General Assembly for the term of three years. The management body and the supervisory body may be composed, respectively, of a single administrator and supervisor, when the cooperative has less than 20 (twenty) cooperators. Alternatively, they will be composed of a Council of Directors and a Fiscal Council, each composed by a odd number of members and a minimum of three elements.